Void Filling Empowerment (VFE) exists to address and fill both spiritual and physical voids, empowering individuals for sustainable and meaningful living. Everyone experiences spiritual and physical voids in their lives. For some, these voids are easier to fill, while for others, they can be challenging depending on their circumstances or environment. Many communities in Africa face significant challenges, including widespread poverty, lack of clean water, limited access to healthcare and quality education, hunger, and the uncertainties of life. Void Filling Empowerment is committed to addressing these needs by taking actionable steps to fill these voids. Our ministry operates with a three-fold mission to holistically serve and empower individuals and communities.
To Infill the lives with the gospel, making disciples, crusades, Bible training, church planting and leadership training.
To Endow people with humanitarian assistance and provide the basic necessities so that families, churches an individuals can cope with their daily lives by teaching them to use the resources they have for great sustainability.
To empower the indigenous by training them to effectively minister to the nationals. The ministry empowers children by giving them school materials to reinforce education. Every year 300 children in Uganda and Kenya receive school supplies allowing them to go to school and dream for a bright future. VFE gives agriculture materials to the farmers so that they can work on food productivity in quality and quantity to combat hunger and malnutrition.

“To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with Him.”
— William Carey
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
-President Barak Obama